Hebrews 10:25
Adult Bible Study Group
We meet on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of every month. Currently, there are 2 study groups.
For information or questions on group 1, contact .
For information or questions on group 2, contact Doyle Wilson at 515-275-4841.
Sunday School classes are available for ages 4 to adult at 9:00 am every Sunday.
Nursery services are also available.
Silver Steps – A low impact aerobics class for women ages 50-90+. This also includes strengthening, stretching & balance exercises. We meet @ 9:00 am every Tuesday & Friday in the Ministry Hall,
with each session lasting about 45 minutes.
For questions, call Terry Dooley at 515-290-8798.
Senior Saints – Social activities for anyone over sixty. Activities include day trips, pot-luck meals, movies, miniature golf, game night, & lots of fellowship. Day & time varies.
For more information, contact Dave Thompson at 515-480-3135.
Christmas Child – Operation Christmas is a division under Samaritans Purse, also known as the Shoebox Project. Franklin Graham, Billy Graham’s son, started this many years ago & shoeboxes filled with hygiene items, school supplies, & toys are sent to kids in 157 countries all over the world. The best part about the Shoebox Project is that kids also receive a 10-week Bible study telling them about Jesus. At the conclusion of the study, they receive a Bible in their own language.
We have a year-round collection box under the mailboxes in the foyer of the new building. We just completed our seventh year collecting & sending shoeboxes with an
increase of number of boxes every year.
Any questions, contact April Worrall at 515-210-2976.
Meal Ministry/Birthday/Anniversary Fellowship – This ministry consists of 3 committees that revolve to serve the monthly BD/Ann Fellowship event after church, as well as caring for those that have been in the hospital, lost a loved one, had a baby, or other event that might require help with some meals. To sign up to participate in this ministry, call Barb Fatka at 515-460-4269.
Sunday School classes are available for ages 4 to adult at 9:00 am every Sunday.
Nursery services are also available.
Silver Steps – A low impact aerobics class for women ages 50-90+. This also includes strengthening, stretching & balance exercises. We meet @ 9:00 am every Tuesday & Friday in the Ministry Hall,
with each session lasting about 45 minutes.
For questions, call Terry Dooley at 515-290-8798.
Senior Saints – Social activities for anyone over sixty. Activities include day trips, pot-luck meals, movies, miniature golf, game night, & lots of fellowship. Day & time varies.
For more information, contact Dave Thompson at 515-480-3135.
Christmas Child – Operation Christmas is a division under Samaritans Purse, also known as the Shoebox Project. Franklin Graham, Billy Graham’s son, started this many years ago & shoeboxes filled with hygiene items, school supplies, & toys are sent to kids in 157 countries all over the world. The best part about the Shoebox Project is that kids also receive a 10-week Bible study telling them about Jesus. At the conclusion of the study, they receive a Bible in their own language.
We have a year-round collection box under the mailboxes in the foyer of the new building. We just completed our seventh year collecting & sending shoeboxes with an
increase of number of boxes every year.
Any questions, contact April Worrall at 515-210-2976.
Meal Ministry/Birthday/Anniversary Fellowship – This ministry consists of 3 committees that revolve to serve the monthly BD/Ann Fellowship event after church, as well as caring for those that have been in the hospital, lost a loved one, had a baby, or other event that might require help with some meals. To sign up to participate in this ministry, call Barb Fatka at 515-460-4269.